Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bite Me

Back to creepy-fun stuff!
The quarter before last I had to make 3 compiled images for my PhotoImagingI class.
It was fun, and my favorite had to be making Michael into a zombie...type... thing.
Here's what I did...

First off I had to find a decent stock image of mine to use:

This one was taken when we were messing around with lighting in our first Portraiture class.
After finding the base image I needed to find two more to add to it.

Peeling paint and rust seemed to look ideal for creating scars and/or gouges.

I resized them to fit the areas I wanted and then masked out areas with a soft brush to make them look more realistic against the skin.

I played around with their hue/sat to make them flesh toned and then brushed in a dark red overlay on the inset parts of the rust to make it look like blood and skin tissue. I altered the overall curves to give him deeper shadows in this face as well as in the scarring.

However he still looked like more of a mauled victim than the actual undead.

This is the final image. I left the red inside the same saturated color but tried to pale his skin tone out as much as possible. I think I may have gone a bit too far but I don't think you can really go wrong when you're making a zombie.

Overall I'm pretty proud of it but I want to get some more practice in doing things like this.
I'm thinking about doing a whole segment of zombie pictures of some of my friends and peers.
But we'll see if I ever get the time.

Quotable Quotes:

"Sorry we have to leave you here, but it just ain't right to eat your wife's and daughter's brains. Plus you're really disgusting and I don't wanna spend any more time with you."
~ Luke, from Undead or Alive

1 comment:

mozemouaphotography said...

Tiffany, did you read the rain post? I actually do not want it to rain because I have a huge weekend planned! The rain can really ruined the whole entire weekend.

Oh by the way, I am totally amazed about this awesome photo you did of mike!!!